Installing RiscLua
RISC OS platforms may be divided into two categories: old and new. The latter may be described as: Raspberry Pi and subsequent machines. The former are: the Iyonix, the RiscPC and varieties of VirtualRiscPC. There have to be separate versions of RiscLua for old and new. You can download either from The downloads are zip files and you will need David Pillings' !sparks !SparkFS application installed to unzip them. The zip files contain a single application !rlua. !lua icon You can put this anywhere. Double clicking on !rlua will put its icon on the iconbar. If you want this to be there from startup then put !rlua in $.!Boot.Choices.Boot.Tasks.
!SharedLibs For the newer machines you may also need to download the SharedLibs zip file from whose contents, !SharedLibs, should go in $.!Boot.Resources. You may also need the Shared C-Library file from the zip file which, if it is not already inside, you simply drag onto the top of !SharedLibs. These considerations apply to any RISC OS software compiled with the GNU C compiler.