
Here we look at the factors program in the Examples . To play with it, run !TaskW in the RiscLua/Utilities directory and drag factors onto its iconbar icon. The main program is:

  -- Prime factors
  print "Enter a positive integer"
  local N
  repeat N = "*n" until N > 0
  local bar = "-------------"
  print (bar)

  local p, m = factors (N) -- prime factors, multiplicities

  local write in io
  write (tostring (N), " = ")
  local k = #p
  for i = 1, k do
     local e = m[i]
     write (tostring (p[i]))
     if e > 1 then write ("^", tostring (e)) end -- if
     if i < k then write "*" end -- if
  end -- for
  print ""
  print (bar)
The only missing part is the function factors which returns a pair of lists, the first the prime divisors of its argument, the second their multiplicities. It is a great convenience of Lua that functions are not throttled to returning only one value at a time. The expression

  local write in io 
is equivalent to

  local write = io.write 
. The local variable write is used four times, so we save looking up the key write from the io table three times. It saves only microseconds, but it makes a point.

The factors function that does the work is:

   local factors = \ (n)
   local p, m = { }, { } -- prime factors, multiplicities
   for t = 2,3,1 do  -- deal with 2,3 separately
     if n%t == 0 then
       p[1 + #p] = t; m[1 + #m] = 1; n //= t
       while n%t == 0 do
          m[#m] += 1; n //= t
       end -- while
     end -- if
   end -- for
   local t = 3 -- test factor
   while n > 1 do
      t += 2
      if n%t == 0 then
         p[1 + #p] = t; m[1 + #m] = 1; n //= t
         while n%t == 0 do
            m[#m] += 1; n //= t
       if t*t > n then  -- too big, so n is a prime
          p[1 + #p] = n; m[1 + #m] = 1; n = 1
       end -- if
       end -- if
   end -- while
    => p, m
  end -- function
The expression {   } creates an empty table. There follows a

  for var = startval, endval, stepval do ... end 
block for dealing separately with possible factors of 2 and 3. Note that // denotes integer division and % denotes the remainder operation. Whereas  =  denotes assignment, == denotes comparison. The # denotes the length operator. Thus

   p[1 + #p] = t
means add t to the end of list p .