There is a reciprocity between capturing data out of text, by matching with a pattern, and inserting data into text by formatting with a format-string. This script adds up numbers in a text.

  local numpat = "(%d+%.?%d+)"
  local strfmt = "Total = %f"
  local total = 0
  for line in io.lines (arg[1]) do
     for num in line:gmatch (numpat) do
       total += tonumber (num)
     end -- for
  end -- for
  print (strfmt:format (total))
A great deal of scripting comes down to understanding pattern-matching. The reciprocal art of formatting is generally rather easier.
If you have a script with masses of invocations of string.format there is a convenient little trick that gets rid of them. Insert the line

 (getmetatable "").__call = string.format 
at the start and you will be able to apply string variables as functions, omitting string.format . Thus strfmt (total) instead of strfmt:format (total) . This is an example of changing the syntax of Lua by using metamethods.
A particularly convenient use of scripting is to handle information in TSV files. These consist of lines which are records, the first naming the fields, with each field a string, fields being separated by TAB characters. This script converts a TSV file to labelled record form.

    local pat = "(.-)\t"
    local dbase, row = { }, { }
    local header, item, k, N
    for line in io.lines (arg[1]) do
        if not nonheader then
           for field in (line .. "\t"):gmatch (pat) do
              row[1 + #row] = field
            end -- for
            nonheader, N = true, #row
          item, k = { }, 1
          for field in (line .. "\t"):gmatch (pat) do
              if k <= N then
               item[ row[k] ]= field
               k + = 1
              else break end -- if
           end -- for
           dbase[1 + #dbase] = item
        end -- if
     end -- for
-- dbase is a list of records, each record is a table labelled
-- by the fields of the header. Fields extending further than
-- the header are omitted.
   local fmt "  [%q] = %q;"
   print "{"
     for _, item in dbase do
       print " {"
         for label, field in pairs (dbase) do
            print fmt:format (label, field)
       print " };"
   print "}"
We have lost control of the order of the labels. Note the formatting character %q which prints strings doublequoted. Labelled records are a more convenient format for Lua because they can be read straight into Lua as lists of tables without further parsing.