Sixtieth Meeting: Cambridge, 27--28 January 1996
09.30: Max Kelly (Sydney) 2-categories of equipments and adjunctions therein
11.00: Francis Borceux (Louvain) On finitely standard toposes
11.30: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) What should Giraud's Theorem say?
12.00: Michael Abbott (Abingdon) An internal language based on indexed categories
14.00: Yves Diers (Valenciennes) Categories of finitary algebraic sets
14.45: Carsten Butz (Utrecht) On the space of points of a topos
16.00: Elias David (London) Topological representation of posets
16.30: Paul Taylor (Imperial) Algebraic compactness and well-founded coalgebras
09.30: Ieke Moerdijk (Utrecht) The path space of a topos
10.00: Jim Otto (McGill) Resolution into free CC categories
11.00: Harold Simmons (Manchester) A curious semantics for linear logic using abelian groups
11.45: Ralph Loader (Oxford) Normalization by calculation

Sixty-first Meeting: Dunkerque, 8--9 June 1996
09.15: Yves Diers (Valenciennes) Algebraic equations relative to an algebraic theory
10.05: Jürgen Koslowski (Braunschweig) A convenient category of games for interactions
11.00: François Lamarche (Nancy) On constants in the free symmetric monoidal closed category
11.35: Cristina Pedicchio (Trieste) Pseudogroupoids and congruence modular varieties
12.10: Martin Hyland (Cambridge) Duality in presheaves categories
14.30: Max Kelly (Sydney) The category of domains for limits and weighted limits
15.20: Laurence Nison (Valenciennes) Catégorie des anneaux rationnels gradués
16.15: Djordje Cubric (Cambridge) Yoneda lemma and normalization
16.50: Thomas Streicher (Darmstadt) Inductive construction of repletion
17.25: Walter Tholen (York) Separation versus connectedness
09.30: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) Remarks on quintessential and persistent localizations
10.05: Francis Borceux (Louvain) Morita equivalence of arbitrary sketches
11.00: Steve Lack (Sydney) The extensive reflection of a distributive category
11.35: Pierre Ageron (Caen) Accessible categories with (finite) pullbacks
12.10: Anders Kock (Aarhus) Remarks on the Bianchi identity

Sixty-second Meeting: Utrecht, 26--27 October 1996
10.00: Anders Kock (Aarhus) The maximal atlas of a foliation
10.30: Sergei Soloviev (Durham) Voreadou's mistake and its consequences
11.30: Mamuka Jibladze (Tbilisi) Lower bagdomain as glueing
12.00: Thomas Streicher (Darmstadt) (Partial) geometric morphisms between partial lex categories
14.30: Reinhard Börger (Hagen) Morita equivalence of monads
15.00: François Lamarche (Nancy) A new kind of fibration?
16.00: Till Plewe (Imperial) Quotient maps of locales, II
16.15: Enrico Vitale (Dunkerque) Localizations of module categories
10.00: Jonathon Funk (McGill) A characterization of the algebras for the symmetric monad
10.30: Jürgen Koslowski (Braunschweig) Strategies in the bicategory of games
11.30: Steve Awodey (Chicago) Sheaf representation for small topoi
12.00: Japie Vermeulen (Cape Town) Compact sites

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