Forty-second Meeting: Louvain-la-Neuve, 7--8 January 1989
17.30: Bruno Loiseau (Louvain) Naturels, réels et lemme de Zorn dans les topos: quelques aspects logiques
09.50: Felipe Gago (Santiago) Singularities in synthetic differential geometry
11.00: Yves Diers (Valenciennes) Reduced rational Zariski categories
11.55: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) Associative and commutative Mal'cev operations
14.35: Valeria de Paiva (Cambridge) A Dialectica-like model of linear logic
15.15: Silvio Ghilardi (Milano) Modal logics with n-ary connectives
16.20: Francis Borceux (Louvain) Quantales étalés
09.30: Max Kelly (Sydney) The complete lattice of essential localizations
11.00: Wesley Phoa (Cambridge) Relative computability in the effective topos
11.40: Mambu Mawanda (Louvain) Quelques propriétés des catégories de sous-ensembles flous
09.30: Jack Duskin (Buffalo) Theory of higher-dimensional descent
11.00: Dominique Bourn (Amiens) Coherent tensor products for abelian chain complexes
12.00: Anders Kock (Aarhus) A category of sites for constructing locales
14.30: Nicolas Rouche (Louvain) Présentation de la carrière de René Lavendhomme
15.00: Sammy Eilenberg (Columbia) Sur quelques points de topologie
17.00: André Patsalides (Louvain) Psychanalyse et mathématique
18.00: Paul Vercauteren (Louvain) Figures politiques et relations paradoxales
09.30: Gonzalo Reyes (Montréal) Topos-theoretic approach to the logic of reference
11.00: Chris Mulvey (Sussex) Quantales
12.00: Max Kelly (Sydney) A characterization of those maps which arise from functors
14.30: Jean Bénabou (Paris-Nord) Prerequisites for a theory of 2-fibrations
15.30: Yves Diers (Valenciennes) Categories of algebraic varieties
16.45: Alfred Frölicher (Genève) New convenient function-space functors
17.30: Jean Bénabou (Paris-Nord) Categorical logic
09.30: Ieke Moerdijk (Utrecht) Bisimplicial sets and the group completion theorem
11.00: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) Constructive and non-constructive locale theory
12.00: Harold Simmons (Aberdeen) Idioms and dimension functions
14.30: Walter Tholen (York) Dualities
15.15: Lieven Le Bruijn (Antwerpen) Matrix tori problems
16.30: Roland Puijstjens (Gent) Generalized inverses
17.15: Tim Porter (Bangor) Crossed n-cubes

Forty-third Meeting: Edinburgh, 13--14 May 1989
14.00: Martin Hyland (Cambridge) ?
09.30: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) The ``Closed Subgroup Theorem'' for localic herds and pregroupoids
10.00: Harold Simmons (Aberdeen) Logic for IT---a review
11.00: Francis Borceux (Louvain) Etale maps of quantales
12.15: Simon Ambler (Edinburgh) Quantales and linear doctrines
14.00: Andy Pitts (Cambridge) Adding recursion and induction to Moggi's computational monads
15.10: Doug Gurr (Edinburgh) Complexity and monads
16.10: Wesley Phoa (Cambridge) Categorical foundations of effective domain theory
17.00: Dusko Pavlovic (Utrecht) Categorical structure of paradoxes
10.00: David Rydeheard (Manchester) Program development and indexed categories
10.45: Rod Burstall (Edinburgh) An algebraic theory of deliverables
11.45: Andreas Knobel (Edinburgh) A constructive fully abstract lambda-model
12.40: Martin Hyland (Cambridge) The relevance of linear logic

Forty-fourth Meeting: Santiago de Compostela, 28--29 September 1989
10.15: Tim Porter (Bangor) The pursuit continues
11.45: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) Fibrewise separation axioms for locales
12.35: René Lavendhomme (Louvain) Sur une notion générale de module croisé
15.00: Cristina Pedicchio (Trieste) Mal'cev categories
15.40: Leovigildo Alonso Tarrio (Santiago) Nordic schemes and complete intersection
16.45: Francis Borceux (Louvain) Two counterexamples for quasitopos theory
17.25: Sandra Mantovani (Milano) An elementary characterization of categories of separated objects for pretoposes and Abelian categories
10.15: Ieke Moerdijk (Utrecht) Classifying toposes and foliations
11.45: Ronnie Brown (Bangor) The holonomy groupoid of a topological piece of a groupoid
12.40: Aurelio Carboni (Milano) Familially representable functors
15.00: René Guitart (Paris VII) Split exact squares and torsion
16.30: Albert Burroni (Paris VII) Analyse dimensionelle des problèmes de réécriture

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