Fifteenth Meeting: Paris, 8--9 March 1980
09.15: Marie-Françoise Coste-Roy (Paris-Nord) Ensembles semi-algébriques et topologie constructible réelle
09.50: Axel Möbus (Düsseldorf) Locally compact relational algebras
10.45: Jean Bénabou (Paris-Nord) Qu'est-ce qu'un sous-ensemble?
11.30: Michel Carral (Toulouse) Modules projectifs sur les anneaux de fonctions continues et les anneaux noethériens
14.20: Barbara Veit (Roma) Formes différentielles en géométrie différentielle synthétique
14.55: Anders Kock (Aarhus) Formal manifolds and jet categories
15.45: Gavin Wraith (Sussex) Remarques sur le topos de Dubuc et la cohomologie de de Rham
16.30: Thierry Lucas (Louvain) Le forcing en théorie des ensembles
17.20: Peter Aczel (Manchester) Some questions from an outsider
09.30: Chris Mulvey (Sussex) Le théorème de Gelfand-Naimark non commutative
10.05: René Guitart (Paris VII) La définition de N
11.00: Dana Scott (Oxford) Lambda-calculus and topoi
11.35: Dominique Bourn (Amiens) Une autre propriété universelle du champ associé
14.30: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) All topoi are localic (d'après P.Freyd)
15.15: Mike Fourman (Columbia) Le théorème de déscente de Joyal et Tierney

Sixteenth Meeting: Oxford, 17--18 May 1980
14.30: André Joyal (UQAM) Arithmetic universes and recursive functions
09.00: Wim Ruitenburg (Utrecht) Necessity operators instead of J-operators
09.30: Peter Aczel (Manchester) On interpreting higher-order intuitionistic logic
10.15: Martin Hyland (Cambridge) The recursive realizability topos
11.15: Dana Scott (Oxford) Cartesian closed semigroups
11.45: André Joyal (UQAM) Partial recursive functions made into a cartesian closed category
14.30: Mike Fourman (Columbia) What is geometric logic?
15.00: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) When is a topos localic over a Boolean topos?
16.00: Harold Simmons (Aberdeen) Cantor--Bendixson analysis in frame theory
16.30: Giuseppe Rosolini (Oxford) Reduced frame extensions
09.30: Michel Coste (Paris-Nord) Real dimension and cohomological dimension of the real spectrum
10.00: Roswitha Harting (Düsseldorf) Injective abelian group objects in certain topoi
11.00: Jacques Penon (Paris VII) Aspecte intuitionniste de la géométrie différentielle
11.30: Gavin Wraith (Sussex) Power series transformations

Seventeenth Meeting: Sussex, 1--2 November 1980
10.00: Peter Freyd (Pennsylvania) Theory of definite implication
11.30: Anders Kock (Aarhus) A general algebra/geometry duality in synthetic scheme theory
14.15: Joachim Lambek (McGill) Are toposes monadic over graphs?
15.00: Peter Johnstone (Cambridge) Vietoris locales
16.15: Marie-Françoise Coste-Roy (Paris-Nord) Nash functions and the real étale topos
17.00: Gavin Wraith (Sussex) Locales and existential doctrines
10.00: Steve Comer (Charleston) Sheaf duality of algebraic logic
10.45: Giuseppe Rosolini (Oxford) The Yoneda embedding and categories of sheaves
11.45: Robin Cockett (Leeds) Implosions, explosions and injective hulls

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