PURSUIT 1 I knew I was in Winchester, but which Winchester? I could not recall these narrow criss-crossing alleys, between booths and and stalls, like those of an oriental bazaar. I had just run through a large department store, or hotel maybe, of hushed respectability, with quaint half-landings and aspidistras and the faint sound of crockery from the kitchens, knowing that my quarry had been that way only moments before. Now he was in the alleys, somewhere ahead. I strained to sense his wake through the throng of shoppers, and offered up a prayer to Artemis, that she would indicate the side alley into which he must have darted. I was filled with a fierce joy, the joy of the chase, knowing that my limbs would follow the scent before I was aware myself in which direction they would turn. It was like careering through bracken, over rocky ground, knowing that even with eyes shut, I could not falter. I was the pursuer. PURSUIT 2 I knew I was in Winchester, but which Winchester? I could not recall these narrow criss-crossing alleys, between booths and and stalls, like those of an oriental bazaar. I had just run through a large department store, or hotel maybe, of hushed respectability, with quaint half-landings and aspidistras and the faint sound of crockery from the kitchens, knowing that my pursuer was only moments away. Now I was in the alleys, the station somewhere up the hill to my left. As I ran and darted this way and that, swallowed up by the throng of shoppers, I offered up a prayer of thanks to Artemis, who knows the secret ways of flight. I was filled with a fierce joy, the joy of the chase, knowing that my limbs would follow the path of safety before I was aware myself in which direction they would turn. It was like careering through bracken, over rocky ground, knowing that even with eyes shut, I could not falter.