THE TRUSTY SERVANT [moonlight is sunlight reflected] The moon came out as we led the horses to a side gate of the palace grounds. It was well it did, or the guard might not have recognised us. Once outside, my master signalled me to mount and follow him. Not a word had he said since waking me but "Saddle my horse" and, to the guard, "Lock the gate behind us". I had said only, "I am coming too". Amazement and foreboding sealed my mouth. We turned away from the town, riding quietly. There was none to recognize us. Once beyond the town, but still on well-known tracks, we rode faster. As the moon rode through the clouds and we plunged into shade and moonlight, time about, I began to rehearse to myself all that I wanted to say to him, but which I knew would remain unsaid. I rehearsed what I would say to his father when I returned, in answer to what I feared, what I knew, he would say. "You knew my son's mind better even than I. Could you not have kept him from leaving us?" "You gave me to be his servant. I cannot disobey him. I trust his actions to be right, even though I do not understand." I knew how strong the king's grief would be, and also that his wisdom was the stronger. I was ashamed to be worrying for myself. I had no idea where my master was aiming for. I did not ask. We reached the forest and the river just before dawn and soon the air was loud with the clamour of crows. There was a crossing, and by it a few poor huts of woven palm leaves. Leaving the horses, we walked towards the huts. Near them was an old man, who bowed at our approach. "Ask him", said the prince,"if he would be willing to change clothes with me". Showing no surprise, as if this happened every day, the old man bowed assent. In his new garb the prince waded into the river. He submerged himself briefly and then stood up shaking the water from his hair. Roping his locks into a knot with his left hand, he drew out his knife and severed it. He gave hair and knife to me, and said "Take these to my lady". I knew at last that the time for parting had come.